Agricultural Products Processing and Preservative Engineering
发布人:spkx  发布时间:2021-12-09   动态浏览次数:33

姓  名:郑国栋

职  称:教授



邮 箱:zrs150716@aliyun.com



2001.04-2005.03 日本国立岐阜大学 博士,导师:潘场公雄

1999.04-2001.03 日本国立静冈大学 硕士,导师:茶山和敏

1988.09-1992.07 福建农学院  学士


2015.12至今  教授

2007.08-2015.12  副教授

2006.04-2007.07 日本农水公司 课长

2005.04-2006.03 日本国立静冈大学 博士后,合作导师:茶山和敏

1998.10-1999.03 日本国立静冈大学 访问学者,合作导师:茶山和敏

1992.07-1998.09 福建省长乐市梅花中学 教师






3、主持国家自然基金地区项目,《儿茶素和咖啡碱组合对小鼠和3T3-L1 细胞的脂肪代谢分子机制的研究》(2012.01-2015.12)项目编号:31160320,经费,42万元,已结题









1、Licong Yang#, Yanping Zhu, Shusheng Zhong and Guodong Zheng*. Astilbin lowers the effective caffeine dose for decreasing lipid accumulation via activating AMPK in high-fat diet-induced obese mice [J]. Jouenal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020, DOI 10.1002/jsfa.10669 (SCI, IF=2.614)

2、Meng Xu#, Licong Yang#, Yanping Zhu, Mingfu Liao, Lulu Chu, Xin Li, Lezhen Lin, Guodong Zheng*. Collaborative effects of chlorogenic acid and caffeine on lipid metabolism via AMPKα-LXRα/SREBP-1c pathway in High-Fat Diet-Induced obese mice [J]. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 7489-7497. (SCI, IF=4.171) DOI: 10.1039/C9FO00502A

3、Meng Xu#, Hui Xue, Xin Li, Yan Zhao, Lezhen Lin, Licong Yang*, Guodong Zheng*. Chemical composition, antibacterial properties, and mechanism of Smilax china L. polyphenols [J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103: 9013-9022. (SCI, IF=3.67)

4、Lulu Chu#, Licong Yang*, Jingen Li, Lezhen Lin, Guodong Zheng*. Effect of Smilax china L. starch on the gel properties and interactions of calcium sulfate-induced soy protein isolate gel [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 135: 127-132. (SCI, IF=5.162)

5、Lulu Chu#, Licong Yang*, Lezhen Lin, Jing Wei, Na Wang, Meng Xu, Gaoxiang Qiao, Guodong Zheng*. Chemical composition, antioxidant activities of polysaccharide from Pine needle (Pinus massoniana) and hypolipidemic effect in high-fat diet-induced mice [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 125: 445-452. (SCI, IF=5.162)

6、Licong Yang#, Yan Zhao, Yongfang Pan, Dongming Li, Guodong Zheng*. Dietary Supplement of Smilax china L. Ethanol Extract Alleviates the Lipid Accumulation by Activating AMPK pathways in High-Fat Diet Fed Mice [J]. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2019, 16, 6. doi.org/10.1186/s12986-019-0333-z (SCI, IF=3.599)

7、Licong Yang#, Na Wang, Guodong Zheng*. Enhanced effect of combining chlorogenic acid on selenium nanoparticles in inhibiting amyloid β aggregation and reactive oxygen species formation In Vitro[J]. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13:303  (SCI, IF=3.125)

8、Licong Yang#, Wenjun Wang, Jiguang Chen, Na Wang, Guodong Zheng*. A comparative study of resveratrol and resveratrol-functional selenium nanoparticles: Inhibiting amyloid β aggregation and reactive oxygen species formation properties[J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2018, 106A: 3034-3041. (SCI, IF=3.231)

9、Ji-Luan Liu#, Li-Cong Yang#, Xiao-Juan Zhu, Wen-Jun Wang, Guo-Dong Zheng*. Combinational effect of pine needle polysaccharide and Kudzu flavonoids on cell differentiation and fat metabolism in 3T3-L1 cells[J]. Food Science and Technology Research, 2018, 24 (5), 903-910 (SCI, IF=0.379)

10、Yan Zhao#, Licong Yang#, Zhanwang Huang, Lezhen Lin, Guodong Zheng*, Synergistic effects of caffeine and catechins on lipid metabolism in chronically fed mice via the AMP activated protein kinase signaling pathway[J]. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017, 56(7): 2309-2318. (SCI, IF=4.423)

11、Xiaojuan Zhu#, Licong Yang, Lezhen Lin, Guodong Zheng*. Combination therapy with catechins and caffeine inhibits fat accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells[J]. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2017, 13, 688-694(SCI,IF=1.410)

12、Guodong Zheng*, Lezhen Lin, Shusheng Zhong, Qingfeng Zhang, Dongming Li. Effects of puerarin on lipid accumulation and metabolism in high-fat diet-fed mice [J]. PLOS One, 2015, 10(3): e0122925.(SCI, IF=3.234

13、Guodong Zheng*, Yangyang Qiu, Qingfeng Zhang, Dongming Li. Chlorogenic acid and caffeine in combination inhibit fat accumulation by regulating hepatic lipid metabolism-related enzymes in mice[J]. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014, 112(6), 1034-1040.(SCI、IF=3.453

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